
Showing posts from September, 2011

The point.

"Assalamualaikum w.b.t What is the point?” The question keep popping in my mind. I always do things. However important, absurd or random that particular thing is, I always, did it. Why? From time to time, the points of doing things hit me right in the head. There's no light bulb, for sure. Yet, I found the reasons. The closest example I can get is the accidents that occurred this whole day. My day stared bright and great. I was waiting eagerly for my Maths paper. I woke up early, went to the examination venue early, and waited. What's the point of waiting? I say, it give me time to revise. I read things I never thought I will read. It came out in the exam. Then, the exam started. I answered all, most of it using pen. I read all the questions first. What's the point? I say, so I can answer the easiest question for me first. I did 10,9,8, all matrices, first. I walked slowly back to my room. What's the point? I say, allowing myself to th...

Niqab, the second hardest journey.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. How do you feel? When someone post you picture online, in the world wide web? For most people, it is ok. No harm is done. But for me? It is everything. I know, I am still not wearing niqab everywhere I go. But I wear it, every time I could. Here in CFS, we are not allowed to wear niqab anywhere. But I broke the rules. I wear it to attend meetings and when I go out. People might say, they can see me during class hours or when I go to the library. Here is my reply, not all of you might see me. There are thousands of students here in CFS. Choose someone and ask, 'do you know Amirah Hazwani?' If he or she reply with a yes, ask again, 'Have you ever seen her face?' Some of them will reply yes, some will not. If he or she reply with a no, then that person never sees me, insyaAllah. That is my point. It is not that I want to prove that something. It is not that I want to brag about me wearing niqab. But it is ...

Lagi sekali.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Dari Anas bin Malik r.a dari Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam; beliau bersabda: “ barang siapa yang meninggal dunia ini ikhlas karena mendambakan wajah Allah (berjumpa dengan dengan rindu & cinta kepada Allah)  dan tidak menyekutukan Nya. Dan mendirikan solat dan membayar zakat dan meningal dunianya Allah redha keatas nya. (H.R ibnu majah dan Hakim) Darah. Lagi. Sakit. Lagi. Ujian. Wallahua'lam.

Super 11 part 2,

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Ok, I'll say this once and for all. I don't like, to be compared. I don't. It is fine to say people have common interests in life. But people have differences also. Mind you, I am more than what you see. 1. I HATE illogical things . I said, and I quote, "tak logik." I know for a fact that I hate Maths, but still, Maths is a different thing. I definitely hate, as in hate HATE , illogical things . 2. I can't understand simple phrases. I don't want to. It's like, if you are saying something but you are not exactly directing to the point, the percentage of me not understanding whatever you said is 99.9%. I am just not good in that. Please, be direct . 3. I love to do little, unimportant things. Such as, when I walk in tiles, I'll step exactly on the perfect square of the tiles. I don't recklessly step on anything. At the zebra crossing, I'll jump from a yellow line to the next. I know...

Half our deen,

Assalamualaikum w.b.t, takbir, Allahuakbar! Kef helk? C: I just came back from a camp. A camp I never planned. But it was a good one, to be honest. I learnt few things, that the contestants were told not to share, and I met new friends. A LOT OF THEM. When I first arrived, I recognised few persons, from GCI. And it hit me right away, this is not an event for ENGENIUSes only. It is not even meant to be for ENGENIUSes. It was for usrah participants. So what I did was, stay cool. I am a friendly person, but I was going through tough days this month. And during Fajr, I just knew that he (who shall not be name) left. I don't know what to do. I don't know what t react. I decided to go straight to the camp after Maths, after I gave my beloved sir a mini hamper from our class to his baby, Nur Amni. I decided to "forget". But Allah knows the best. He didn't give me a chance to forget. Few things happened and shall be kept as secrets...


Assalamualaikum w.b.t, this post is dedicated to: the click five, BROTHERS&SISTER. Along, Angah, Alang, Acik, Adik, and um, this is me. I lost all of you guys now. Since Angah was the last one to enter university, yesterday. I lost all of you. Thank you for always been there for me. For giving me millions of gifts. I would not be fluent in English if Along doesn't teach me. I don't even know how to text if Angah doesn't give me my c3. I would have no one to bully if Alang is not always available I won't know what the heck is Photoshop if Acik doesn't show me. I know, I was always your little sis. Your adik. But all of us are so busy, it broke my heart. Who else would listen to me? My long, long stories about my everyday life? None. None. Nevertheless, I love you guys, as a sister should have love her brothers. Lillahita'ala, until Jannah, biiznillah. Wallahua'lam. Barakallah 'alaik.

Hidupku, matiku.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t, serius, letih. Saya semakin lupa. Tadi, saya lupa hari ini hari apa. Tertinggal kelas Arab. Maafkan saya, ustaz. Saya semakin pelik. Sekejap sedih, sekejap gembira. Apa yang pasti, setiap kali diri sendiri, pasti bersedih. Do you have your own hiding place? I had two. One at SAMTTAR. One at SMKAM2. Everytime, everytime, I feel like to cry, I went to my hiding place. But here in CFS, I don't have one. I don't know where I can hide and cry, alone. Kenapa, orang selalu salah sangka? Buat baik sedikit, ingat lain. Bercakap lebih sedikit, ingat lain. Apatah lagi, kalau tak bercakap. Kenapa? Diri ini, suka sangat menulis. Tapi mungkin sedikit yang sedar, seorang penulis lebih suka bercerita. Saya, lebih suka, mengatakan sesuatu. Tapi tiada yang bertanya. Hanya sekadar mesej, apakah saya akan membalasnya? Saya mungkin banyak menulis, anda mungkin banyak membaca. Tapi bukan semua dapat dibaca. Wallahua'lam. B...

Super 12,

Assalamualaikum w.b.t, A secret makes a woman, woman. That's the point. You don't know who I am. We're different. Thanks for not trusting me. Wallahua'alam. Barakallah 'alaik.

Saidina Umar Al-Khattab

Assalamualaikum w.b.t, These are a collection of the words of wisdom from my favourite Khalifah, Saidina Umar Al-Khattab. “duduklah dengan orang-orang yang bertaubat, sesungguhnya mereka menjadikan segala sesuatu lebih berfaedah.”  (Tahfdzib Hilyatul Auliya I/71) “Kalau sekiranya kesabaran dan syukur itu dua kendaraan, aku tak tahu mana yang harus aku kendarai.”    (Al Bayan wa At Tabyin III/ 126) “Sesungguhnya kita adalah kaum yang dimuliakan oleh Allah dengan Islam, maka janganlah kita mencari kemuliaan dengan selainnya.”  (Ihya’ Ulumuddin 4/203) “Hendaklah kalian menghisab diri kalian pada hari ini, karena hal itu akan meringankanmu di hari perhitungan.”   (Shifatush Shafwah, I/286) "Raihlah ilmu, dan untuk meraih ilmu belajarlah untuk tenang dan sabar."   "Orang yang paling aku sukai adalah dia yang menunjukkan kesalahanku."   "Aku mengamati semua sahabat, dan tidak menemukan sahabat yang lebih baik daripada menjaga lidah.Saya memik...

The uncountable blood,

Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Yup, blood is uncountable. And yet in Arab, there's jama' for blood. Use: Google translate. Wallahua'lam. Barakallah 'alaik.

Super 11,

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Have you ever thought that there is somehow, someone who is exactly like you? I've met people who fit as my conjugate, who is totally different than me, but exactly like me? That's a no for almost 18 years I lived. But, somehow, I think I've met this weird person in the awkward moment at unsuitable place and time. And I'm not loving it. So I want to prove that he/she (I will not say what the gender is) is not the only one who is exactly like me. Let's make a survey then. These are, officially, few hidden secrets of me. I'm revealing most of it. I am unbelievably tired of saying this and that about me. So, anyone who read this, tick which one we have in common. We are somewhat related if we have some common interest C: Let's start: 1. I love Ice Lemon Tea since standard 6 . Most of you know this but then, what is the reason? Truthfully, when I was standard 6, I was ultimately in love with...

Who are you when I'm not looking?

Assalamualaikum w.b.t, and Raya for me is over. It's not that I'm superduper excited to celebrate Raya this year, but it is one of the two celebrations for Muslims. So why shouldn't I be happy at least for one day. I am not in my best mood. There are reasons. Which of course, I don't feel like to write, I feel like to talk. And I don't feel like to talk, unless the person is able to listen. I feel like wanting to write two posts today. Sigh. I'm bored and tense.