
Showing posts from May, 2013

He gave me a coin.

BismiLLAHirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum warahmatuLLAHi wabarakatuh. اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم Mubasyaratan ba'da Maghrib , I made my journey towards Bawabah Thani . Class with Syeikhuna. I had forgotten for how many times, I wish I will be caught by a musyrif. I don't have a phone, and even I do have, I still did not own any number to call. So I walked alone... again. I was wondering whether the class will be at IMAM or bayt of Syeikh Rohim. I decided to just continue my destination to IMAM and if any changes occur, I'll make my way towards Musallas later on. The tremco as usual full of Arabs. AlhamduLILLAH it was not all men. Or else, I will fell more isolated. I sat alone... again. Playing with my thoughts. As I arrived and walked towards the end of the road, I was preparing myself coins (LE / genih) to give to the unfortunates. Usually, there will be two. But there was none. So I went through the heavy wind and watched tho...

Wirid yang dinanti.

BismiLLAHirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum warahmatuLLAHi wabarakatuh. اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم Terjawab sudah mengapa dihadirkan di hati, menulis kembali. Persoalan Majmu' Syarif yang kami juga pernah dibelenggu dahulu. Hingga kini, secara jujurnya kami tidak tahu apakah perlu diletakkan hukum. Namun, pastilah bukan dari kami. Jadi kami mengikut kaedah fiqh, "Apabila bertembungnya dua kemudharatan, pilihlah kemudharatan yang ringan." Kami memilih sesuai dengan kaedah hadith, "Apabila dua hadith yang zahirnya bertentangan dan setelah mengikuti turuq (jalan) masih tidak dapat digabungkan, dinasakhkan dan sebagainya -- maka tawaqquf (berhenti)." Namun bismiLLAHi masyaALLAH, tiada hadith yang ulama' tawaqquf dalam menilainya. Khair. Pertamanya, kitab Majmu' Syarif sudah lama di Tanah Melayu. Banyak pula dijual di maktabah. Jika difikirkan secara aqal, adakah sebuah kitab yang nyata salahnya akan dibiarkan ters...

The ultimate question.

BismiLLAHirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum warahmatuLLAHi wabarakatuh. اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم I found myself to skip those very-long-paragraphs that are written even by my friend! I know for a fact that the contents are good insyaALLAH. But how I wish it could be much more simpler. Ya Salaam. So I just want to make a short question and answers here. Regarding my ultimate (for me) question to Syeikh. May ALLAH ease. Ameen. p.s: the small writings are my comments in heart and reaction. I'm a kid, obviously ==" Question: How do we know that our taubah has been accepted by ALLAH? Answer: Why do you want to know? It is none of your business. Oh my~ Your duty is to repent, not to know whether it is accepted or not. True. What is taubah? *drumrolls* Taubah is to be honest with ALLAH. Correct your relation with ALLAH. Taubah is not applying make up on your face. *huge slap on my face by... me.* We-don...


BismiLLAHirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum warahmatuLLAHi wabarakatuh. اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم My parents met in Japan, married after they went back to Malaysia. They worked in Japan factories. They flew back and forth. And we were there. Kira, Kika and Kanis, Kika, Kira and Kanis. Kanis, Kira and Kika. Three of us. Kika, Kira and Kanis. Both of them gained a little bit more attention than me. Kika was diagnosed from the day she was born with asthma. Kanis had been the youngest for 5 years. And I was in the middle. Either ami or abah will send us to school. They didn't have the time to pick me up after school. My uncles did. Or the neighbours. They didn't come during the day parents have to see the teachers. The Open Day. Except for the last year I was in the primary school. They never visit me at my boarding school. I called once per two weeks. For a few seconds. They gave me total freedom. Whatever I want to do,...

Menepis bisikan nafsu.

BismiLLAHirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum warahmatuLLAHi wabarakatuh. اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم "Wahai saudaraku,  para pencari dan penuntut ilmu,  oleh kerana kesungguhan dan hasrat serta kehausan ilmu ada pada dirimu, pastikanlah itu dalam kebenaran. Jangan sampai di dalam niatmu untuk mencapai ilmu itu dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan sesuatu kebanggaan bagi dirimu sendiri dan untuk keangkuhan terhadap teman sejawatmu, untuk memikat perhatian orang terhadap dirimu sendiri dan untuk mengumpulkan pelbagai keduniawian yang hampa ini. Maka kalau tujuan niatmu demikian halnya, itu bererti engkau meruntuhkan agamamu dan membinasakan dirimu sendiri. Menjual kehidupan hari kemudian yang abadi dengan keduniawian yang fana ini." al-Imam Hujjatul Islam al-Ghazali. Kami di al-Azhar dan seluruh Mesir umumnya sedang menjalani hari-hari terakhir tahun pengajian ini. Ada yang sudah bermula menduduki peperiksaan dan ada juga yang hanya...

My Cinderella shoes II,

BismiLLAHirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum warahmatuLLAHi wabarakatuh. Yet another Cinderella story, My Cinderella shoes I, So she walked as usual during her night time, living her night life. Who was she in the day light? People know but had they noticed? She does not know and yes, she does not care. But her life during the night was the best that she could offer to herself. Wearing her usual Cinderella shoes, she walked and walked. Suddenly her footsteps stopped. She felt weird but not the kind that felt in her heart. She looked down at her feet, and realized that her shoes had a hole on it. Her Cinderella shoes, used to shine and accompany wherever she went through. Had had a hole on it. She was thinking of buying a new one. A new pair of shoes. But she reminded herself that she had a spare at home. Another pair of shoes. This one is black, another one is maroon. She reminded herself, of a story she was told. ...