He or she is not an angel!
BismiLLAHirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum warahmatuLLAHi wabarakatuh. اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم If I have to give an advice that I wish that will last forever, I would say, insyaALLAH, "Please treat a human like a human. He or she is not an angel!" You might reply, "Of course lah I know he's a human, what are you thinking? Pfft." "Geez, we can't even see the angels with rough eyes! How could I - ever - think that she's an angel from above?" My point is not about the physical that you are pointing at. It is not about what you see. It is about how you see. What are the differences? I'm not playing around with words. To begin with, did it crossed your mind how perfect someone's life is? How he was born in a rich family. How she never miss her usrah . How he scored in each examination with flying colours. How she knows how to cook perfectly. And you are so ...