I was having a fever for a few days before, but I just ignore and swallowed a few panadols every now and then.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Kaifa hal? :)
I am deeply, truly sorry for any inconvenience of my absence for this past few days.
I was... not well ;D
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Please ignore the cigarette ;D Ustaz Zahidi perasan pula >< |
But on the night of 11th February, I felt... too cold. I was just on my way back to my home from Darasat. Syeikh is not around so I don't have any talaqqi for the mean time except for my Quran classes with Syeikh Syazlie.
I text-ed my friend and said that I wanted to go to the hospital. But, the moment I arrived at Hayyu Sabi', immediately I jumped into a taxi and went back straight home. It was pitch black dark literally. There was no electricity at my imarah.
And there's no one at home. Creepy~
All right, I was kidding.
So I called another friend and went to sleep.
It was not until my ahli bayt came home that I told them that I am, well, really sick.
So the next day they went to kuliyyah and left me in the house.
When I woke up in the morning, I was shivering.
It was painful. I text-ed my ahli bayt and they said that Khairiyah will come over and accompany me to the hospital.
Thus she came and we went to Hospital Zahra'. It was a long wait, but finally when the doctor checked me and all, he told me that I have bronchopneumonia and my temperature is reaching 40 degree.
He even gave me... a "oh-you-are-so-pity" look. *comel kan*
So I have to wear that thing on my hand for a few days and receive direct antibiotic injection for 5 days.
My doctor said; You can eat, do work and do whatever you want. But you can't go out.
You just know how I can't stand still, eh?
But I am really trying to be a nice patient and doctor-to-be, as my friend told me that if I don't listen to what my doctor said, my future patients won't listen to what I said, so I am still in my Baiti Jannati. Oh dear.
The first night I was really in a very bad condition. Only my ahli bayt, Khairiyah, the angels besides me and ALLAH know what I was going through.
But the next day~ I was in front of my Superkira and logged on to my facebook account: http://www.facebook.com/umayrhawani
Oh dear.
I don't have severe difficulty of breathing, but my breathings are notably short. I can't hold on my breath longer than few seconds. So I have to keep on my meds.
My kidneys are working extra hard for now.
So... I think that's all ;D
This is just a simple post from a simple not-so-teenagers-anymore. I'm turning 20 by the way.
I have a few sayings from ulama' to share, you can read it below.
It was simply copies and pasted. In Malay though. So, I am sorry for English readers.
Hope you'll find it helpful and may spread it anywhere that you like.
Do pray for my health.
Though I am actually very happy indeed, because in this way, I know that ALLAH remembers me. Though HE always does. Perhaps HE's giving me a hint that I should remember HIM also as much as HE does.
I love HIM, really.
بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
اللهم أحسن عاقبتنا في الأمور كلها، وأجرنا من خزي الدنيا وعذاب اﻵخرة
امين يا رب العالمين
Cintailah Allah, nescaya Allah akan menghadiahkan seseorang yang juga mencintai-Nya untuk mencintai dirimu
Ibn al-Qayyim
Jika engkau terlanjur melakukan dosa di satu tempat, maka janganlah engkau tinggalkan tempat itu sebelum melakukan kebaikan padanya. walaupun hanya mengucapkan kalimat tauhid atau tasbih. Sebab jika di akhirat nanti ia menjadi saksi atas dosamu, ia juga akan menjadi saksi atas kebaikanmu.
Syeikhul Akbar
Peraslah badanmu dengan mujahadah hingga mengeluarkan minyak murni.
Al Habib Abdullah al-Aidrus Bin Abu Bakar Sakran
Perhatikan kebiasaan baik yang engkau inginkan wafat dalam kebiasaan itu, kerana itu tetaplah engkau dalam kebiasaan seperti itu. Dan perhatikanlah kebiasaan buruk yang tidak engkau inginkan wafat dalam kebiasaan itu, kerana itu jauhilah kebiasaan itu.
Al Habib Umar Bin Abdurrahman Al-Attas (Penyusun Ratib Al-Attas)
Seluruh kebaikan terdapat dalam diam, gunakanlah akal fikiran, kerana di dalamnya terdapat rahsia. Janganlah hari-harimu kau lewatkan tanpa sedekah sekalipun seberat anak semut.
Al Habib Abdullah al-Aidrus Bin Abu Bakar Sakran (Penyusun Ratib Al-Aidrus)
Penuntut ilmu itu kena ada pen dan kertas untuk mencatat kerana ilmu itu umpama binatang yang liar dan penulisan itu mengikatnya.
al Habib Hasan Bin Umar as Suyuti
Ibadahmu tak berpengaruh bagi Allah, itu selayak menggarami lautan. namun berpengaruh bagimu selayak pengaruh susu bagi bayi.
KH Maimun Z
Jika engkau melihat seorang selalu berkelakuan baik, maka yakinlah engkau orang itu teguh agamanya.
Al Habib Umar Bin Abdurrahman Al-Attas (Penyusun Ratib Al-Attas)
Siapa yang bergaul bersama orang baik-baik, dia layak mendapat makrifat dan rahsia (sirr). Dan mereka yang bergaul dengan para pendosa dan orang bejat, akan nerhak mendapat hina dan api neraka.
Syeikh Abu Bakar Bin Salim
Seluruh kebaikan dan sumber kemuliaan dan keberkatan adalah dalam mengingat kubur, kematian dan orang-orang mati.
Al Habib Abdullah al-Aidrus Bin Abu Bakar Sakran (Penyusun Ratib Al-Aidrus)
Rendah hatilah dan jangan bersikap bongkak dan angkuh.
Syeikh Abu Bakar Bin Salim
syukron..Allah yashfeek..ameen..
ReplyDeleteSyafakillah sayang. InShaAllah ada pelbagai hikmah disebalik sakit ini :)
ReplyDeleteSyafakillah ya ukhti..slm ukhuwah dr jordan..
ReplyDeleteSaidina Umar pernah berkata:
– Siapa yang bersabar di atas ujian, Allah sempurnakan sabarnya lalu memasukkannya ke dalam Syurga mana yang dia suka.
Moga Allah redho kita semua...amin.