Travel log 16: Sneak peek IIUM Gombak!

Last travel log posted: 6th February 2013 BismiLLAHirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum warahmatuLLAHi wabarakatuh. I was like a rusty nail. Waking up on a Sunday morning, I tried to be... good. I had plans on my mind. Will leave the house insyaALLAH around 12, heading to USJ 1, then to Gombak. Specifically - I was heading to Madrasah at-Tazkiah. For the first time, after I was evacuated. Ahha, that's it. The big news I suppose. I was evacuated by my government from sweet home Egypt. First chartered flight I was thrown into. AlhamduLILLAH, bit by bit I see the reasons. I was trembling last week, when I gave my first visit to Madrasah at-Tazkiah. But the students told me that there was no class. So I came back this week, more relaxed. p.s: Ami dropped me off. The venue had changed. From Surau as-Syafie to the cabin inside the Madrasah's territory itself. I heard a familiar voice. I thought it was al-Habib Ali. But I was wrong indeed. It was al-Habi...