Reasons: "Why I didn't blog."
Assalamualaikum w.b.t. This is somewhat, contradict to Reasons: Why People Should Have Blog? I have been in the semester break for quite a while right now. Having to work, baking actually for several days in a row. Helped ami with hers and stumbling around here and there in my house. I had, really, searching for my way how to survive in real world. In CFS, of course, I had my own schedule. I had my goal of what to do every day. There will be usual classes, talaqqi, tasmi' classes and ta'lim. There will be certain time, that I can choose to be alone. Walking about Block E or sometimes SMAWP3. There will be, if I had the chance, travelling around. What I had learnt about travelling was, it is hard to cope with the real world. Yes, even I can't deny it, there will be people not covering their aurah properly, people who dates, people who smoke and such such. All these people are Muslims. And that, kept my mind occupied. Thinking. What would I have been, if ...